Supreme Court Judgments

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R. v. Schiewe, [1993] 1 S.C.R. 1134


Victor Schiewe             Appellant




Her Majesty The Queen                                                                   Respondent


and between


Tina Marie Schiewe    Appellant




Her Majesty The Queen                                                                   Respondent


and between


Norman Michael Koruz                                                                     Appellant




Her Majesty The Queen                                                                   Respondent


Indexed as:  R. v. Schiewe


File Nos.:   23074, 23076, 23077.


1993:  March 26.


Present:  La Forest, L'Heureux‑Dubé, Sopinka, Gonthier, Cory, McLachlin and Iacobucci JJ.


on appeal from the court of appeal for alberta


                   Constitutional law ‑‑ Charter of Rights  ‑‑ Trial within reasonable time ‑‑ Delays in provision of legal aid through no fault of recipient ‑‑ No unreasonable delay given special circumstances and complexity and length of the cases.


Cases Cited


                   AppliedR. v. Askov, [1990] 2 S.C.R. 1199; R. v. Morin, [1992] 1 S.C.R. 771; R. v. Stensrud, [1989] 2 S.C.R. 1115.


                   APPEALS from judgments of the Alberta Court of Appeal allowing appeals from judgments of Matheson J. allowing stays of judicial proceedings.  Appeals dismissed.


                   J. MacLeod Walker, for the appellants Victor Schiewe and Tina Marie Schiewe.


                   Marvin Bloos, for the appellant Norman Michael Koruz.


                   M. David Gates and Larry R. A. Ackerl, for the respondent.


//Sopinka J.//


                   The judgment of the Court was delivered orally by


                   Sopinka J. ‑‑ These appeals are as of right.  Applying the principles in R. v. Askov, [1990] 2 S.C.R. 1199, and R. v. Morin, [1992] 1 S.C.R. 771, and having regard to the view expressed in R. v. Stensrud, [1989] 2 S.C.R. 1115, and the special circumstances of these cases, and in particular their complexity and length, we agree with the conclusion of the majority of the Court of Appeal that there was no unreasonable delay.  The appeals are dismissed.


                   Judgment accordingly.


                   Solicitors for the appellants Victor Schiewe and Tina Marie Schiewe:  Walker & Co., Edmonton.


                   Solicitors for the appellant Norman Michael Koruz:  Beresh, DePoe, Cunningham, Edmonton.


                   Solicitor for the respondent:  John C. Tait, Ottawa.


 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.